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The Case Against Kerry

If you thought Al Gore was a threat to your guns and your rights, you ain't seen nothin' yet. John Kerry wants your guns, and his 20 years of votes in the U.S. Senate prove it. Before you vote, read the truth that John Kerry doesn't want you to know. Then make photocopies of this article and distribute them by the hundreds. Because this is one of the last remaining tools of free speech we have left to defend our God-given freedoms. And if John Kerry wins, we—and they—lose

by Wayne R. LaPierre

It's hard to overstate the clear and present danger—to America's Second Amendment, to U.S. sovereignty, to American national security and to your children's and grandchildren's personal safety—posed by the prospect of a John Kerry presidency. And too few Americans see those threats for what they really are.

For gun owners, the dangers are especially grave. Because more than any other presidential campaign in American history, the Kerry campaign is a campaign of stealth against the Second Amendment.

Kerry saw how Al Gore's anti-gun politics cost him the White House in 2000. So now Kerry's doing everything in his power to conceal, confuse, disguise or deny his extreme, absolute and unmitigated anti-gun voting record in the U.S. Senate.

Kerry can try to run from his anti-gun record. But he simply can't hide from his anti-gun votes. Over the past 20 years, Kerry has voted 51 times against your interests as a law-abiding gun owner.

Indeed, the only reason Kerry doesn't have a worse record on the Second Amendment than fellow Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy is because Kennedy has been in the Senate twice as long as Kerry!

So before you vote on Nov. 2, take a long, hard look at how John Kerry has voted—over and over and over again—to ban your firearms and banish your freedoms. Then you'll see the truth:


Read it for yourself in this vote-by-vote, chapter-and-verse exhaustive expose of John Kerry's jihad against Second Amendment freedom.

More Anti-Gun Than Al Gore

As soon as he was elected to the U.S. Senate, John Kerry went to work against your rights.

Although we all remember Al Gore's anti-gun extremism from his 2000 presidential campaign—when he pushed universal gun registration, gun owner licensing, bans on gun shows and more—what few realize is that in 1985, within just six months of taking office, John Kerry had already built a far more anti-gun record than even Al Gore.

And his votes prove it.

At that time, I served as head of NRA-ILA Federal Affairs, where I'd been fighting for years on Capitol Hill to pass the historic Firearm Owners Protection Act, which halted more than 15 years of government abuse against honest gun owners' rights.

Only a handful of senators opposed this landmark reform. Even Al Gore supported it. But John Kerry not only voted against it, first he voted to gut its most important provisions and to add a 14-day waiting period on handgun sales.

Kerry Anti-Gun Extremism Since 1985

We finally defeated Kerry and his few remaining anti-freedom extremists in the Senate and passed the Firearm Owners Protection Act (s. 49) in 1985. But that was just the beginning of Kerry's campaign of hatred against gun owners like you, your firearms and your freedom to own them.

In 1990, U.S. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, pushed an amendment to legislation (5.1970) to ban millions of rifles, shotguns and handguns.

Again, while even Al Gore voted against the ban, John Kerry voted to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of millions of ordinary semi­automatic firearms.

Thanks to Kerry's consistent anti-gun votes, a gun ban amendment was passed by the U.S. Senate on June 28,1990.

One year to the day later, Kerry voted for legislation (under s. 1241) to require you to undergo a seven-day Brady-style waiting period before you're allowed to purchase any handgun.

And while the NRA struggled to pass instead the instant criminal background check system (NICS)— which is now used across the U.S.— Kerry stubbornly fought us at every turn, insisting on a waiting period even if an instant background check was online and operational.

Even though gun-buyer waiting periods were proven failures at reducing crime in every city and state that ever imposed them, Kerry refused to budge, demanding that you be forced to wait a week before purchasing a firearm, even if you had passed the criminal background check!

Kerry voted for a 14-day waiting period. He voted for seven-day waiting periods. He voted for five-business-day waiting periods. He voted to keep state-imposed waiting periods in force, even in states that had perfected their instant check systems. He voted to keep a federal waiting period in force indefinitely. In fact, John Kerry voted for waiting periods not once but every chance he had—eleven times in a row!

Look at his voting record and you'll see the only waiting periods John Kerry opposes are waiting periods for criminals—waiting periods spent behind bars—for criminals who use guns to commit crimes.

That's right: During debate on s. 254 in May 1999, Kerry voted against increasing mandatory penalties for the illegal transfer and criminal misuse of firearms. He voted against hiring additional prosecutors, and he voted against funding expanded federal prosecution of violent, armed drug dealers. Six years earlier, Kerry had even gone so far as to vote (in s. 1798) against the death penalty even for ter­rorists who murder Americans overseas!

Killing Your Freedoms with a Thousand Cuts

No, John Kerry would much rather attack honest, peaceable, law-abiding gun owners— and then boast to the media that he was "cracking down on crime"—than tackle the real issue of prosecuting armed, violent criminals.

After all, why else would Kerry vote, as he did in 1993, to shut down many lawful gun dealers by hiking federal firearms license fees by a staggering 3,650 percent?

If Kerry is so dedicated to Second Amendment freedom like he claims, then why would he vote, as he did in 1993, to gut funding for the Department of the Army's Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) Program?

The DCM program gave generations of Americans a safe, standardized and affordable means to train, compete and become proficient at shooting. Many DCM shooters went on to Olympic competition. Many more went on to serve as expert instructors for America's Armed Forces. And nearly all became valuable assets to our nation's homeland security, all thanks to the DCM program.

Yet not only did Kerry vote to gut the program's funding, three years later, he voted (under s. 1745) to abolish the program altogether. . If John Kerry really believes in your right to own a gun, then why did he vote for legislation that could have annihilated the American firearm industry that gives you the source from which to purchase firearms?

Under the direction and demagoguery of Bill Clinton, dozens of anti-gun big city and state bureaucrats— together with greedy trial lawyers— filed baseless, frivolous lawsuits against America's lawful firearms industry. Their motive, as explained by Clinton's HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo, was to force the industry to accept countless anti-gun demands or face "death by a thousand cuts."

At least a few of those manufacturers went bankrupt. The rest faced plum­meting profits and the grim prospect of being forced to pull the plug.

Yet Kerry voted (under s. 625 in February 2000) for legislation to continue exposing lawful firearms manufacturers to baseless, politically motivated and potentially bankrupting lawsuits, as well as legal fees from which even bankruptcy cannot shield them.

Leading the Clinton Gun-Ban Wagon

Bill Clinton did all he could to restrict, reduce or revoke your Second Amendment rights in any way he could. Throughout his offensive he had a reliable lieutenant in U.S. Sen. John Kerry—not just on the Brady Bill waiting period, but on every anti-gun proposal Clinton pushed in the Senate.

Kerry voted (1998 Senate Vote No. 217) to empower Clinton Treasury Department bureaucrats to charge you outrageous fees for background checks when you purchase a firearm.

The day after that, Kerry voted (1998 Senate Vote No. 224) to put you in prison for up to a year and impose a $10,000 fine upon you if a juvenile criminal steals your firearm and exhibits it in a public place.

For years, gun shows have been an American tradition. Yet Kerry voted (under s. 254) to turn the private transfer of a firearm between law-abiding citizens at a gun show into a federal felony.

In other words, Kerry voted for every type of roadblock, restriction, red tape, delay and prohibition possible to eliminate private sales and gun shows altogether.

Of course, John Kerry also voted to ban millions of ordinary semi­automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns whose only offending features were cosmetic like pistol grips and flash suppressors that had nothing to do with crime.

He didn't just vote for those gun bans once, he voted for them every chance he got—nine times in all. Even after the Clinton gun bans had proven themselves useless at reducing crime, Kerry voted to keep them in force.

Kerry's Shotgun Approach to Bans

Last November, Kerry worked together with gun-ban zealot U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ., and co-sponsored legislation (s. 1431) that would not only extend the Clinton gun ban, but also radically expand it to ban every semi-auto shotgun "that has a pistol grip"— "pistol grip" being re-defined so broadly that their law could ban every semi-automatic shotgun in America!

And this spring, after missing every vote in the U.S. Senate all year to campaign for the White House,

Kerry jumped on a plane and made a special trip back to Washington, D.C., just to cast votes (under s. 1805) to shut down gun shows, to extend and expand the Clinton gun ban for another 10 years, and to kill frivolous lawsuit liability protection for lawful American firearm manufacturers.

Those are Kerry's most recent, egregious anti-gun votes—but there are many, many more.

Kerry voted to formally, officially endorse Rosie O'Donnell's Million Mom March, which called for the licensing of American gun owners and the registration of all firearms (2000 Senate Vote No. 104).

Kerry voted against Senate confirmation of John Ashcroft as attorney general—an attorney general who officially acknowledged that the Second Amendment does, in fact, confirm an individual right.

Kerry voted to silence NRA members like you and remove you from the political process by prohibiting free political speech precisely when it matters most—in the months leading up to elections.

And when we launched NRANews.com on the Internet and on Sirius Satellite Radio (siriusradio.com) to expose the gun-grabbing, speech-strangling, freedom-killing actions of Kerry and other politicians, Kerry petitioned the Federal Election Commission to specifically revoke your right to free speech.

"We urge you to prevent the NRA from hijacking America's airwaves!' Kerry wrote. In urging the Commission to shut down NRA's news and commentary, Kerry said that, "America does not deserve a media that is polluted by special interests

In other words, we can sit down,shut up, pay our taxes and do what Kerry commands. But Kerry won't silence the American people. Not now,not ever.

Hunting Game? Or Playing Games?

Now Kerry wants to camouflage his anti-gun, anti-freedom record by convincing you—despite all the evidence to the contrary—that he's a lifelong hunter who believes in the Second Amendment.

He takes every opportunity to try to con American gun owners into believing that he stands up for hunters' rights.

But his assurances are as phony and staged as the mud that his pinstriped handlers scrub into his brand-new boots.

If John Kerry stands up for the interests of hunters, why then did he vote (under s. 21 in April 1994) to shut down vast areas of the Mojave Desert to hunting?

If Kerry shares hunters' concerns, why does he vow to re-impose the Clinton roadless rule that greatly restricted hunter access to tens of millions of acres of public land?

If Kerry defends your hunting traditions, then why do the Humane Society of the United States and the Fund for Animals— extremist groups that seek to end all hunting in America—give John Kerry a 100-percent rating? Why do they call him an "animal protection leader" with "a consistently excellent voting record on animal issues?"

And if Kerry is such a devoted hunter, why did he vote this spring (2004 Senate Vote No. 28) to ban nearly every type of center-fire

hunting rifle ammunition used in the U.S. today? Even gun-ban zealot U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, didn't vote for that!

A Kerry-Soros-Heinz-Kerry Gun-Ban Nexus?

Kerry's wife, Teresa, is a multi-millionaire heiress whose self-proclaimed "favorite charity'' the Tides Foundation, has invested a small fortune into anti-gun rights schemes.

So, too, has one of Kerry's biggest financial backers in his run for the White House—the cryptic and shadowy billionaire financier George Soros, the 28th richest man in the U.S., whom The Washington Post described as "the new central banker of the Democratic Party'

Soros has already committed $15 million to helping Kerry defeat President George W. Bush. When asked by The Washington Post whether he would devote his entire $7 billion fortune to the effort, Soros replied, "If someone guaranteed it."

Soros apparently has tried to keep his relations with Kerry low-key. Although both men vacationed in Sun Valley, Idaho, last March, they spoke only over the telephone, Soros said, "because of how it would be interpreted.'

The bigger question is what, exactly, Soros would expect in return for bankrolling John Kerry into the White House.

Over the years, Soros has invested millions in radical-left schemes ranging from drug legalization to firearm prohibition. In fact, Soros is a major financial backer of the Million Mom March and its sinister bigger brother, the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), a cabal of more than 500 anti-gun groups operating in nearly 100 countries—the largest, richest and most powerful gun-ban leviathan on the globe.

That organization is currently engineering efforts within the United Nations to impose a formal, binding international treaty upon the U.S. that could render your Second Amendment null and void and surrender U.S. sovereignty to United Nations bureaucrats.

And that would dovetail perfectly with George Soros' stated objectives, one of which he cites as "a modification of the concept of sovereignty, because sovereignty is basically somewhat anachronistic."

But for now, any concrete plans or clearly defined policy initiatives that Kerry envisions for America's future are kept under close wraps. He's flying under the radar, just above treetop level—as military pilots put it, in "the nap of the earth"—to avoid detection, tracking and defeat.

Roger Hickey, co-founder of the Soros-funded Campaign for America's Future, who hosted a press conference with Michael Moore at the Democratic National Convention in Boston, may have revealed more than he intended when he said, "I've got a whole agenda that [John] Kerry is not talking about... The first step is getting rid of Bush."

Zero Hour Kerry maybe running a stealth campaign against Second Amendment freedom, but make no mistake: If Kerry takes the White House, he won't need stealth anymore—the next thing he'll take are your guns.

<>John Kerry wants to ban your firearms. He wants to ban your hunting ammunition. He wants to shut down American gun shows. He wants to sacrifice the U.S. firearms industry to the feeding frenzy of anti-gun plaintiffs and mercenary trial attorneys. He wants to lock hunters out of immense expanses of public land. He never saw a gun ban that he didn't eagerly support.

John Kerry's votes over the past 20 years prove that he's the most anti-gun, anti-freedom presidential nominee in all of American history.

You can bet that if John Kerry wins in November, he'll appoint anti-gun Supreme Court justices and federal judges, an anti-gun attorney general, anti-gun representatives to the United Nations and anti-gun cabinet members from top to bottom.

So if you care about firearm freedom, or any freedom at all, here's what you must do now:

1. Get registered to vote and get everyone you know to do the same. Many states require that you register at least 30 days before any general election, so do it today. You can do so easily by visiting the "Voting Center" at www.nrapvf.org.

2. Spread the word to freedom's faithful. Tear out this article. Photocopy it. Fax it. Scan it into your e-mail. Post it at your local gun stores, shooting ranges and hunt clubs. Go to your family, friends, co-workers and fellow hunters and shooters, and tell them the truth that John Kerry is trying to hide.

3. On Election Day, Tues.,Nov. 2, vote freedom first by voting to defeat John Kerry. Take people who don't have a ride to the polls with you. Remind your friends, co-workers and shooting and hunting partners to vote, too.

This is the most important election of our lives—and in the life of the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. We're at a

crossroads from which there's literally no turning back. Once an American president ratifies an international treaty, it becomes domestic federal law forever. Once a president appoints justices to the Supreme Court, they can rule on the meaning and measure of your freedom for the next 20 years to life—and their decisions will reverberate for centuries.

So register to vote. Get informed. Spread the word. Get involved. And on Election Day, even if you've never done so before, even if you never do so again, this time be a single-issue voter. Vote freedom first.

Together, if each of us does our part, we'll endow future generations with the same precious freedoms that were entrusted to us.

From the October 2004 issue of America's First Freedom, an NRA publication.
HTML Conversion by the San Fernando Valley NRA Members' Council.