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Friday, August 13, 2004

Ship captain's Second Amendment rights upheld

The Express-Times in New Jersey is reporting that a State judge has ruled that a passenger ship captain may carry a concealed firearm as part of his duties. This is an interesting ruling when one considers the hoplophobic bent of many NJ politicians.

(Also of note is the title used in the news story, as seen above. Reporters and editors rarely view the issuance of a CCW permit as a 2nd Amendment issue. Obtaining a CCW, and gun ownership in general, are seen as privileges to be granted or denied by the State; not as rights. In fact, when the 2nd Amendment is mentioned in regard to CCW permits, it's usually to claim that the denial of a permit is supposed to be proof that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to individuals. The converse is rarely, if ever, seen!)

Monday, August 09, 2004


Kerry Tries to Woo Gun Voters