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Friday, January 13, 2006

Foreign Policy: Gunning For the World

First off, My apologies for neglecting this blog. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...

Foreign Policy Magazine has posted a very interesting piece by David Morton on the NRA's international activities. Gunning For the World deals primarily with the international gun control lobby's efforts to ban firearms in Brazil. The referendum to do this was soundly defeated by a margin of almost 2 to 1. (And this is despite polling early in the campaign that showed the measure passing easily!) The NRA was instrumental in helping to get Brazil's firearms rights groups on track and on message.

The NRA knows that what happens in Brazil and elsewhere affects us in the US. The "Let's be more like (Fill in the blank)" crowd never tires of telling us how this or that other nation has their ducks in a row on issues like gun laws. One such paradise is the UK. But regular visitors to this site will know that the UK is becoming a far more dangerous and violent place than Urban America. You are far more likely to get clubbed, stabbed, or shot in London for your cell phone than in New York City. The gun control lobby loves to talk about the wonderful laws in places like the UK, but they always seem to forget to tell you about the outcomes of those laws. Gun laws disarm victims; not criminals.

The Brazilians heard that message loud and clear.