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Thursday, October 21, 2004

The new hunting costume

Did someone from the Kerry camp notice the earlier post about "Bwana John's" hunting costume? Perhaps. It looks like he went out and bought a new costume...


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Kerry still trying to fool hunters

Have you noticed anything consistent about John Kerry's wardrobe of late? Check out these shots of him at a campaign rally in Dayton, OH.

Do you recognize that jacket? If you go browsing other recent Kerry photos, you'll see that he's been wearing that field jacket a lot. And if you got to this page via our main page, then you'll probably recognize the jacket from the upper-left corner of that page. It's in the picture of Kerry pretending to hunt pheasants. The jacket is part of Kerry's "hunting costume".

Isn't it a bit early to be out trick-or-treating, "Bwana John"?

Monday, October 18, 2004

"Vote your gun"

Don Giles weighs in on "Bwana John" and his attempts to fool hunters. Giles picks though the "bovine scatology" to get to Kerry's real record on hunting and gun rights.

Canales News Briefs

Tony's computer is back in action and so is he with another Canales News Brief.

Tony reports on the Thune/Daschle race in South Dakota, a Federal investigation into "dual registered" voters in NY and FL and Kerry's performance in the debates. Kerry may have been a bit too good. Voters may not like hearing clearly and concisely that he wants to give nuclear fuel to the Iranians or that he wants the US to go it alone in negotiations with Kim Jong Il. (Or should we say go it "So Ronery"!?)