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Friday, March 04, 2005

Just when you thought that the Antis had crawled back under their rocks...

They're baaaaaack!

The Anti-gun nutjobs are alive and well. In Maine, they are proposing a tax on law-abiding gun owners to pay for "courtroom security". If anything, they should tax non-gun owners. When more people in an area own guns, less violent crime occurs; and thus, less public money is spent on courtroom proceedings. Gun owners are a net positive for the community.

And in Washington D.C., the usual suspects show that they've failed to learn their lessons from the every election cycle since 1994. The latest bugaboo is the Five-seveN pistol from FN. Chucky Schumer (D-NY) is among those who want to ban the pistol as a "cop killer" gun.

There are days when I feel like Br'ar Rabbit.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

eBayers gone wild

Political correctness on eBay has pushed one poor Aussie over the edge.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mommies gone wild

Yet another friend o' Rosie is following her moral example. Like Rosie O'Donnell and her armed guards, fellow "Million" Mom Annette "Flirty" Stevens was arrested after a gun and drugs were found in her home. Police in Springfield, IL are also investigating her connection to a series of drive-by shootings in the area.